Heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) in pp

This posts shows code examples of Feynman diagrams of the production and decay of heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) in proton-proton collisions. For a nice overview from the experimental point of view, have a look at this review article by the CMS collaboration published in Physics Reports.

Click on a diagram to jump to the code & download links below:
HNL-001.png HNL-002.png HNL-003.png HNL-004.png HNL-005.png HNL-006.png HNL-007.png HNL-008.png HNL-009.png HNL-010.png HNL-011.png HNL-012.png HNL-013.png

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
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  \begin{fmfgraph*}(130,105) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    \fmfleft{d,i2,d,i1,d} % incoming vertices
    \fmfright{o3,o2,o1} % outgoing vertices
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    %\fmfshift{5 up}{o2}
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    \fmf{fermion,t=1.0}{i1,v1,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.38}{o3,v2,o1} % outgoing particles (pull)
    \fmf{boson,t=0.9,label=W$^\pm$/Z,l.s=right,l.d=3}{v2,v1} % s-channel
    % HNL + SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion}{n1,v2} % SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,n2} % HNL
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.2}{n1,o1} % pull SM lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.0,f=(.1,,.5,,.1)}{n2,o3} % pull HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{n2,o2} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{boson}{n2,o3} % W/Z boson
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
\definecolor{colBSM}{rgb}{.96,.3,0} % BSM mediator (orange)
  \fmfframe(3,-17)(10,10){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(140,120) % canvas (W,H)
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    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    \fmf{fermion,t=1.0}{i1,v1,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.35}{o4,v2,o1} % outgoing particles (pull)
    \fmf{boson,t=1.1,f=(.96,,.3,,0),label=\color{colBSM} W$_\mathrm{R}^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,v1} % s-channel
    % HNL + SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion}{n1,v2} % SM lepton
    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,n2} % HNL
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.9}{n1,o1} % pull SM lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{n2,o4} % pull HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{n2,o2} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{boson,t=1,f=(.96,,.3,,0),label=\color{colBSM} W$_\mathrm{R}^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=3}{n2,v3} % W/Z boson
    \fmf{fermion}{o4,v3} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{fermion}{v3,o3} % outgoing particles
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
  \fmfframe(3,-15)(53,10){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(140,120) % canvas (W,H)
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    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    \fmfright{o4,o3,o2,d,o1} % outgoing vertices
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    \fmf{phantom,t=0.35}{o4,v2,o1} % outgoing particles (pull)
    \fmf{boson,t=1.1,label=W$^\pm$/Z,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,v1} % s-channel
    % HNL + SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion}{n1,v2} % SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,n2} % HNL
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.9}{n1,o1} % pull SM lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{n2,o4} % pull HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{n2,o2} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{boson,t=1.0,label=W$^\pm$/Z,l.s=right,l.d=3}{n2,v3} % W/Z boson
    \fmf{fermion}{o4,v3} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{fermion}{v3,o3} % outgoing particles
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
  \fmfframe(2,-11)(13,10){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(150,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    \fmf{boson,t=2.8,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=3}{v1,v2} % t-channel W boson
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{boson,label=W$^\pm$\!,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,N1} % fused W boson
    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N,l.s=right,l.d=4}{N1,N2} % HNL
    \fmf{boson,label=W$^\pm$\!,l.s=right,l.d=4}{N2,w} % W boson from HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{o5,w} % quark from W decay
    % outgoing leptons
    \fmf{fermion}{l1,N1} % lepton from W decay
    \fmf{fermion}{N2,l2} % lepton from HNL decay
    % outgoing quark
    \fmf{fermion}{w,o4} % quark from W decay
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.7}{l1,o2} % pull
    \fmf{phantom,t=2.4}{l2,o3} % pull
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
\definecolor{colvtx}{rgb}{.9,0,0} % vertex (red)
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    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    \fmfshift{3 right}{t2} % move outgoing (primary) lepton
    % skeleton
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    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v1,b1} % pull
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.2,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=6}{v1,v2} % HNL s-channel
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.3}{v2,t3} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v2,b3} % pull
    % B decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.5,label=W$^{\pm*}$,l.s=left,l.d=4}{d1,v1} % left W boson
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{b2,d1,b1} % B meson top quark lines
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{b1,d1} % pull left W decay vertex to left
    % B decay spectator quarks
    \fmffreeze % before using \fmfi
    \fmf{phantom,t=0}{d1,b2} % hack to reverse arrowhead
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__b1,__d1) shifted (0,-13)} % incoming spectator quark
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__d1,__b2) shifted (0,-13)} % outgoing spectator quark
    \fmfv{l=\parbox{6pt}{B}\mylbrace{21}{-12},l.d=8,l.a=180}{b1} % left brace
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{21}{-12}\parbox{2pt}{$X$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{b2} % right brace
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1}{t2,v1} % outgoing (primary) lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{o1,d2,o2} % right W decay
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{b2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to left
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{o2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to right
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{34}{-26}\parbox{2pt}{$\pi^\pm$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{o1} % right brace
    % labels
    %      l=\normalsize\color{colvtx}$V_{\ell N}$}{v1} % neutrino
    %      l=\normalsize\color{colvtx}$V_{\ell N}$}{v2} % neutrino
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
  \fmfframe(13,18)(34,20){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(180,80) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
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    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    % skeleton
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    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v1,b1} % pull
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    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v2,b3} % pull
    % B decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.5,label=W$^{\pm*}$,l.s=left,l.d=4}{d1,v1} % left W boson
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{b2,d1,b1} % B meson top quark lines
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{b1,d1} % pull left W decay vertex to left
    % B decay spectator quarks
    \fmffreeze % before using \fmfi
    \fmf{phantom,t=0}{d1,b2} % hack to reverse arrowhead
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__b1,__d1) shifted (0,-13)} % incoming spectator quark
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__d1,__b2) shifted (0,-13)} % outgoing spectator quark
    \fmfv{l=\parbox{6pt}{B}\mylbrace{21}{-12},l.d=8,l.a=180}{b1} % left brace
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{21}{-12}\parbox{2pt}{$X$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{b2} % right brace
    % s-channel
    \fmf{plain,t=2,label=$\nu_{\ell_\mathrm{P}}$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v1,n1} % neutrino s-channel
    \fmf{plain,t=2,label=$\nu_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{n2,v2} % neutrino s-channel
    \fmf{fermion,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=6}{n1,n2} % HNL s-channel
    \fmfv{decor.shape=cross,decor.size=8}{n1,n2} % t-channel neutrino
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1}{t2,v1} % outgoing (primary) lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{o1,d2,o2} % right W decay
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{b2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to left
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{o2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to right
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{34}{-26}\parbox{2pt}{$\pi^\pm$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{o1} % right brace
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

  \fmfframe(-8,10)(10,10){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,100) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
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    \fmfshift{1 down}{o3}
    % VBF process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i1,v1} % top incoming quark
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i2,v2} % bottom incoming quark
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.4}{v1,v2} % t-channel
    \fmf{fermion}{v1,o1} % top outgoing quark
    \fmf{fermion}{o4,v2} % bottom outgoing quark
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l1,o2} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l2,o3} % outgoing lepton
    %\fmf{plain,t=1.5,label=\strut$\nu_\ell$,l.s=left,l.d=3}{l2,x} % t-channel
    %\fmf{plain,t=1.5,label=$\overline{\nu}_\ell$,l.s=left,l.d=3}{x,l1} % t-channel
    \fmf{plain,t=1.5}{l2,x,l1} % t-channel
    \fmfv{decor.shape=cross,decor.size=8}{x} % t-channel neutrino
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=left,l.d=3}{l1,v1} % boson
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=3}{l2,v2} % boson
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=5,l.a=-120,l=$\nu_\ell$}{l1} % neutrino
    \fmfv{l.d=5,l.a=120,l=$\overline{\nu}_\ell$}{l2} % neutrino
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
\definecolor{colvtx}{rgb}{.9,0,0} % vertex (red)
  \fmfframe(-8,10)(10,10){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,100) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
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    \fmfshift{1 down}{o3}
    % VBF process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i1,v1} % top incoming quark
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i2,v2} % bottom incoming quark
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.4}{v1,v2} % t-channel
    \fmf{fermion}{v1,o1} % top outgoing quark
    \fmf{fermion}{v2,o4} % bottom outgoing quark
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l1,o2} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l2,o3} % outgoing lepton
    %\fmf{fermion,t=0.75,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N,l.d=4}{l2,l1} % t-channel Majorana
    %\fmf{fermion,t=0.00,f=(.1,,.5,,.1)}{l1,l2} % t-channel Majorana
    \fmf{majorana,t=0.75,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=left,l.d=4}{l2,l1} % t-channel Majorana
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=left,l.d=2}{l1,v1} % boson
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=1}{l2,v2} % boson
    % vertices highlights
          l=\normalsize\color{colvtx}$V_{\ell N}$}{l1} % neutrino
          l=\normalsize\color{colvtx}$V_{\ell N}$}{l2} % neutrino
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
  \fmfframe(3,14)(11,13){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    \fmfshift{5 up}{i2}
    % qq -> W & skeleton
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    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{o6,w2} % bottom outgoing fermion
    % W decay to heavy leptons
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} $\Sigma^0$,l.d=3,l.s=left}{v2,w1} % HNL
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} $\Sigma^\pm$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,v2} % HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=$\mathrm{W}^\pm$,l.d=5,l.s=right}{w1,d1} % W boson
    % HCL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=$\mathrm{W}^\pm$,l.d=5,l.s=left}{w2,d2} % W boson
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
  \fmfframe(1,14)(11,14){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
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    \fmfshift{5 up}{i2}
    % qq -> Z & skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{w1,o1} % top outgoing fermion
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{o6,w2} % bottom outgoing fermion
    % W decay to heavy leptons
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} $\Sigma^\mp$,l.d=3,l.s=left}{v2,w1} % HNL
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} $\Sigma^\pm$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,v2} % HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=Z,l.d=5,l.s=right}{w1,d1} % Z boson
    % HCL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=Z,l.d=5,l.s=left}{w2,d2} % Z boson
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
\definecolor{colBSM}{rgb}{.96,.3,0} % BSM mediator (orange)
  \fmfframe(1,14)(15,14){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
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    \fmfshift{5 up}{i2}
    % qq -> Z' & skeleton
    \fmf{boson,t=1.5,f=(.96,,.3,,0),label=\color{colBSM} Z$'$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,v1}
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{w1,o1} % top outgoing fermion
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{o6,w2} % bottom outgoing fermion
    % Z' decay to heavy leptons
    \fmf{majorana,t=1.1,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{v2,w1} % HNL
    \fmf{majorana,t=1.1,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,v2} % HNL
    % HNL decay on top
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,f=(.96,,.3,,0),label=\color{colBSM} W$_\mathrm{R}^{\pm*}$,l.d=4,l.s=right}{w1,d1} % W boson
    % HCL decay on bottom
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,f=(.96,,.3,,0),label=\color{colBSM} W$_\mathrm{R}^{\mp*}$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,d2} % W boson
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
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    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    % main process
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    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1)}{o2,v} % outgoing particle
    % labels
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    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1)}{o2,w2} % outgoing particle
    % labels
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    % external vertices
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion}{i1,v,i2} % incoming particles
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    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1)}{o2,v} % outgoing particle
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=4,l.a=-25,l=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$}{o2}
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
  \fmfframe(-8,13)(-11,14){ % padding (L,T)(R,B)
  \parbox{120pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(100,70) % canvas (W,H)
    % line style
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    % external vertices
    % main process
    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),t=1,label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=left}{i1,v}
    % labels
  \parbox{120pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(100,70) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmftop{t} % for pulling
    \fmfshift{9 down}{o2}
    \fmfshift{4 left}{o3}
    % main process
    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),t=1.2,label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=left}{i1,v}
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=8,l.a=180,l=W$^\pm$}{w} % for boson line
  \parbox{110pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(90,65) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmf{majorana,f=(.1,,.5,,.1),t=1,label=\color{colHNL} N$_\ell$,l.s=left}{i1,v}
    % labels
  } % close \fmfframe
Download as .png, .pdf, or .tex.

Full code

The LaTeX code below collects all the diagrams above into one big file that produces a multipage PDF. Please find download links below, or edit and compile here if you like:

% !TEX program = pdflatexmk
% !TEX parameter = -shell-escape
% Author: Izaak Neutelings (January 2024)
% Description: HNL production & decay in pp collisions
% Sources: https://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/EXO-23-006
% Instructions: To compile via command line, run the following twice
%   pdflatex -shell-escape HNL.tex

\definecolor{colHNL}{rgb}{.1,.5,.1} % HNL (green)
\definecolor{colBSM}{rgb}{.96,.3,0} % BSM mediator (orange)
\definecolor{colvtx}{rgb}{.9,0,0} % vertex (red)

% The following loops over the user color names and defines
% a handy \<colname> command to set text color, as well as
% defines colors in MetaPost of the same and value for lines
\usepackage{pgffor} % for \foreach
\def\MPcolors{} % MetaPost code importing xcolor names
\foreach \colname in {colHNL,colBSM,colvtx}{ % create command & MetaPost code
  \expandafter\xdef\csname\colname\endcsname{\noexpand\color{\colname}} % \newcommand\<colname>
  \convertcolorspec{named}{\colname}{rgb}\tmprgb % get rgb code
  \xdef\MPcolors{\MPcolors color \colname; \colname := (\tmprgb); } % add color name

% The following defines a custom picture environment that
% helps to create standalone pages with common settings,
% and correctly padding the diagram with \fmfframe
\usepackage{environ} % for \NewEnviron
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  \fmfframe(#1)(#2){ % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmffile}{feynmp-#3} % auxiliary files (use unique name!)
    \fmfset{wiggly_len}{12} % boson wavelength
    \fmfset{wiggly_slope}{65} % boson slope of waves
    \fmfcmd{ % custom line style: double arrows for Majorana neutrino
      style_def majorana
        expr p = cdraw p;
        cfill (tarrow (p,0.18)); % shift arrow 
        cfill (tarrow (reverse(p),0.18)); % shift arrow
    \fmfcmd\MPcolors % define custom line colors in MetaPost
    \BODY % main code



%%%%% HNL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% HNL single production without W/Z decay
\begin{fmfpicture}{0,-7}{17,12}{hnl_qq-llV} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(130,105) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfleft{d,i2,d,i1,d} % incoming vertices
    \fmfright{o3,o2,o1} % outgoing vertices
    \fmfshift{10 left}{o2}
    %\fmfshift{5 up}{o2}
    %\fmfshift{5 up}{o3}
    % skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.0}{i1,v1,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.38}{o3,v2,o1} % outgoing particles (pull)
    \fmf{boson,t=0.9,label=W$^\pm$/Z,l.s=right,l.d=3}{v2,v1} % s-channel
    % HNL + SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion}{n1,v2} % SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,n2} % HNL
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.2}{n1,o1} % pull SM lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.0,f=colHNL}{n2,o3} % pull HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{n2,o2} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{boson}{n2,o3} % W/Z boson
    % labels

% HNL single production with W_R decay
\begin{fmfpicture}{3,-17}{10,10}{hnl_qq-llqq-WR} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(140,120) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfleft{d,i2,d,i1,d} % incoming vertices
    \fmfright{o4,o3,o2,d,o1} % outgoing vertices
    \fmfshift{10 left}{o2}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{o2}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{o3}
    % skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.0}{i1,v1,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.35}{o4,v2,o1} % outgoing particles (pull)
    \fmf{boson,t=1.1,f=colBSM,label=\colBSM W$_\mathrm{R}^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,v1} % s-channel
    % HNL + SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion}{n1,v2} % SM lepton
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,n2} % HNL
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.9}{n1,o1} % pull SM lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{n2,o4} % pull HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{n2,o2} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{boson,t=1,f=colBSM,label=\colBSM W$_\mathrm{R}^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=3}{n2,v3} % W/Z boson
    \fmf{fermion}{o4,v3} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{fermion}{v3,o3} % outgoing particles
    % labels

% HNL single production with W/Z decay
\begin{fmfpicture}{3,-15}{53,10}{hnl_qq-llqq} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(140,120) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfleft{d,i2,d,i1,d} % incoming vertices
    \fmfright{o4,o3,o2,d,o1} % outgoing vertices
    \fmfshift{10 left}{o2}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{o2}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{o3}
    % skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.0}{i1,v1,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.35}{o4,v2,o1} % outgoing particles (pull)
    \fmf{boson,t=1.1,label=W$^\pm$/Z,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,v1} % s-channel
    % HNL + SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion}{n1,v2} % SM lepton
    \fmf{fermion,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,n2} % HNL
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.9}{n1,o1} % pull SM lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{n2,o4} % pull HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{n2,o2} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{boson,t=1.0,label=W$^\pm$/Z,l.s=right,l.d=3}{n2,v3} % W/Z boson
    \fmf{fermion}{o4,v3} % outgoing particles
    \fmf{fermion}{v3,o3} % outgoing particles
    % labels

% HNL single production through Wgamma
\begin{fmfpicture}{2,-11}{13,10}{hnl_gW-llqqq} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(150,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfleft{d,i2,d,i1,d} % incoming vertices
    \fmfright{o5,o4,o3,o2,o1} % outgoing vertices
    \fmfshift{7 down}{o2,o3}
    \fmfshift{5 down}{o4}
    % skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=2.5}{i1,v1} % top incoming particle
    \fmf{boson,t=2.5}{i2,v2} % bottom incoming particle (photon)
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{v1,p1} % top outgoing particle (quark)
    \fmf{phantom,t=2}{p1,o1} % top outgoing particle (to pull quark)
    \fmf{phantom,t=2}{v2,p2,o5} % bottom outgoing particle
    \fmf{boson,t=2.8,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=3}{v1,v2} % t-channel W boson
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{boson,label=W$^\pm$\!,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,N1} % fused W boson
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N,l.s=right,l.d=4}{N1,N2} % HNL
    \fmf{boson,label=W$^\pm$\!,l.s=right,l.d=4}{N2,w} % W boson from HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion}{o5,w} % quark from W decay
    % outgoing leptons
    \fmf{fermion}{l1,N1} % lepton from W decay
    \fmf{fermion}{N2,l2} % lepton from HNL decay
    % outgoing quark
    \fmf{fermion}{w,o4} % quark from W decay
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.7}{l1,o2} % pull
    \fmf{phantom,t=2.4}{l2,o3} % pull
    % labels

% HNL from B decay
% https://wiki.physik.uzh.ch/cms/latex:feynman#neutron_beta_decay_with_spectator_quarks
\begin{fmfpicture}{13,18}{34,20}{hnl_B_decay} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,80) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmftop{t1,t2,t3} % top vertices
    \fmfbottom{b1,b2,d,b3} % bottom vertices
    \fmfshift{10 right}{o1,o2}
    \fmfshift{6 right}{b2} % make quark line longer
    \fmfshift{3 right}{t2} % move outgoing (primary) lepton
    % skeleton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.3}{v1,t1} % pull
    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v1,b1} % pull
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.2,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=6}{v1,v2} % HNL s-channel
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.3}{v2,t3} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v2,b3} % pull
    % B decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.5,label=W$^{\pm*}$,l.s=left,l.d=4}{d1,v1} % left W boson
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{b2,d1,b1} % B meson top quark lines
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{b1,d1} % pull left W decay vertex to left
    % B decay spectator quarks
    \fmffreeze % before using \fmfi
    \fmf{phantom,t=0}{d1,b2} % hack to reverse arrowhead
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__b1,__d1) shifted (0,-13)} % incoming spectator quark
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__d1,__b2) shifted (0,-13)} % outgoing spectator quark
    \fmfv{l=\parbox{6pt}{B}\mylbrace{21}{-12},l.d=8,l.a=180}{b1} % left brace
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{21}{-12}\parbox{2pt}{$X$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{b2} % right brace
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1}{t2,v1} % outgoing (primary) lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{o1,d2,o2} % right W decay
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{b2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to left
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{o2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to right
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{34}{-26}\parbox{2pt}{$\pi^\pm$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{o1} % right brace
    % labels
    %      l=\normalsize\colvtx$V_{\ell N}$}{v1} % neutrino
    %      l=\normalsize\colvtx$V_{\ell N}$}{v2} % neutrino

% HNL from B decay with explicit mixing
% https://wiki.physik.uzh.ch/cms/latex:feynman#neutron_beta_decay_with_spectator_quarks
\begin{fmfpicture}{13,18}{34,20}{hnl_B_decay-mix} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(180,80) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmftop{t1,t2,t3} % top vertices
    \fmfbottom{b1,b2,d,b3} % bottom vertices
    \fmfshift{10 right}{o1,o2}
    \fmfshift{6 right}{b2} % make quark line longer
    \fmfshift{3 right}{t2} % move outgoing (primary) lepton
    % skeleton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.3}{v1,t1} % pull
    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v1,b1} % pull
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.3}{v2,t3} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{phantom,t=1}{v2,b3} % pull
    % B decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.5,label=W$^{\pm*}$,l.s=left,l.d=4}{d1,v1} % left W boson
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{b2,d1,b1} % B meson top quark lines
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.6}{b1,d1} % pull left W decay vertex to left
    % B decay spectator quarks
    \fmffreeze % before using \fmfi
    \fmf{phantom,t=0}{d1,b2} % hack to reverse arrowhead
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__b1,__d1) shifted (0,-13)} % incoming spectator quark
    \fmfi{fermion}{vpath (__d1,__b2) shifted (0,-13)} % outgoing spectator quark
    \fmfv{l=\parbox{6pt}{B}\mylbrace{21}{-12},l.d=8,l.a=180}{b1} % left brace
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{21}{-12}\parbox{2pt}{$X$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{b2} % right brace
    % s-channel
    \fmf{plain,t=2,label=$\nu_{\ell_\mathrm{P}}$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v1,n1} % neutrino s-channel
    \fmf{plain,t=2,label=$\nu_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{n2,v2} % neutrino s-channel
    \fmf{fermion,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=right,l.d=6}{n1,n2} % HNL s-channel
    \fmfv{decor.shape=cross,decor.size=8}{n1,n2} % t-channel neutrino
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1}{t2,v1} % outgoing (primary) lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=2}{o1,d2,o2} % right W decay
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{b2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to left
    \fmf{phantom,t=1.4}{o2,d2} % pull right W decay vertex to right
    \fmfv{l=\myrbrace{34}{-26}\parbox{2pt}{$\pi^\pm$},l.d=8,l.a=0}{o1} % right brace
    % labels

% WEINBERG operator - t-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{-8,10}{10,10}{hnl_vbf-ll-wein} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,100) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{1 up}{o2}
    \fmfshift{1 down}{o3}
    % VBF process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i1,v1} % top incoming quark
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i2,v2} % bottom incoming quark
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.4}{v1,v2} % t-channel
    \fmf{fermion}{v1,o1} % top outgoing quark
    \fmf{fermion}{o4,v2} % bottom outgoing quark
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l1,o2} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l2,o3} % outgoing lepton
    %\fmf{plain,t=1.5,label=\strut$\nu_\ell$,l.s=left,l.d=3}{l2,x} % t-channel
    %\fmf{plain,t=1.5,label=$\overline{\nu}_\ell$,l.s=left,l.d=3}{x,l1} % t-channel
    \fmf{plain,t=1.5}{l2,x,l1} % t-channel
    \fmfv{decor.shape=cross,decor.size=8}{x} % t-channel neutrino
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=left,l.d=3}{l1,v1} % boson
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=3}{l2,v2} % boson
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=5,l.a=-120,l=$\nu_\ell$}{l1} % neutrino
    \fmfv{l.d=5,l.a=120,l=$\overline{\nu}_\ell$}{l2} % neutrino

% HNL (Majorana) - t-channel
\begin{fmfpicture}{-8,10}{10,10}{hnl_vbf-ll-majo} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(120,100) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{1 up}{o2}
    \fmfshift{1 down}{o3}
    % VBF process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i1,v1} % top incoming quark
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.7}{i2,v2} % bottom incoming quark
    \fmf{phantom,t=0.4}{v1,v2} % t-channel
    \fmf{fermion}{v1,o1} % top outgoing quark
    \fmf{fermion}{v2,o4} % bottom outgoing quark
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l1,o2} % outgoing lepton
    \fmf{fermion,t=1}{l2,o3} % outgoing lepton
    %\fmf{fermion,t=0.75,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N,l.d=4}{l2,l1} % t-channel Majorana
    %\fmf{fermion,t=0.00,f=colHNL}{l1,l2} % t-channel Majorana
    \fmf{majorana,t=0.75,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=left,l.d=4}{l2,l1} % t-channel Majorana
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=left,l.d=2}{l1,v1} % boson
    \fmf{boson,t=1.3,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=right,l.d=1}{l2,v2} % boson
    % vertices highlights
          l=\normalsize\colvtx$V_{\ell N}$}{l1} % neutrino
          l=\normalsize\colvtx$V_{\ell N}$}{l2} % neutrino
    % labels

% HNL (Type-III Seesaw) pair production through W*
\begin{fmfpicture}{3,14}{11,13}{hnl_qq-w_decay} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{10 left}{o1,o6}
    \fmfshift{5 down}{i1}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{i2}
    % qq -> W & skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{w1,o1} % top outgoing fermion
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{o6,w2} % bottom outgoing fermion
    % W decay to heavy leptons
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL $\Sigma^0$,l.d=3,l.s=left}{v2,w1} % HNL
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL $\Sigma^\pm$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,v2} % HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=$\mathrm{W}^\pm$,l.d=5,l.s=right}{w1,d1} % W boson
    % HCL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=$\mathrm{W}^\pm$,l.d=5,l.s=left}{w2,d2} % W boson
    % labels

% HNL (Type-III Seesaw) pair production through Z
\begin{fmfpicture}{1,14}{11,14}{hnl_qq-z_decay} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{10 left}{o1,o6}
    \fmfshift{5 down}{i1}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{i2}
    % qq -> Z & skeleton
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{w1,o1} % top outgoing fermion
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{o6,w2} % bottom outgoing fermion
    % W decay to heavy leptons
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL $\Sigma^\mp$,l.d=3,l.s=left}{v2,w1} % HNL
    \fmf{fermion,t=1.1,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL $\Sigma^\pm$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,v2} % HNL
    % HNL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=Z,l.d=5,l.s=right}{w1,d1} % Z boson
    % HCL decay
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,label=Z,l.d=5,l.s=left}{w2,d2} % Z boson
    % labels

% HNL pair production through Z'
\begin{fmfpicture}{1,14}{15,14}{hnl_qq-zp_decay} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,140) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmfshift{10 left}{o1,o6}
    \fmfshift{5 down}{i1}
    \fmfshift{5 up}{i2}
    % qq -> Z' & skeleton
    \fmf{boson,t=1.5,f=colBSM,label=\colBSM Z$'$,l.s=right,l.d=4}{v2,v1}
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{w1,o1} % top outgoing fermion
    \fmf{fermion,t=0.7}{o6,w2} % bottom outgoing fermion
    % Z' decay to heavy leptons
    \fmf{majorana,t=1.1,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{v2,w1} % HNL
    \fmf{majorana,t=1.1,f=colHNL,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,v2} % HNL
    % HNL decay on top
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,f=colBSM,label=\colBSM W$_\mathrm{R}^{\pm*}$,l.d=4,l.s=right}{w1,d1} % W boson
    % HCL decay on bottom
    \fmf{boson,t=1.2,f=colBSM,label=\colBSM W$_\mathrm{R}^{\mp*}$,l.d=4,l.s=left}{w2,d2} % W boson
    % labels

% HLN four-fermion interaction
\begin{fmfpicture}{-5,13}{-17,16}{hnl_four-fermion} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \parbox{110pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(90,70) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion}{i1,v,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{fermion}{v,o1} % outgoing particle
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL}{o2,v} % outgoing particle
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=4,l.a=-25,l=\colHNL N$_\ell$}{o2}
  \parbox{120pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(110,65) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion}{i1,v1,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{boson,t=1,label=W$^\pm$,l.s=left}{v1,w2} % s-channel
    \fmf{fermion}{w2,o1} % outgoing particle
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL}{o2,w2} % outgoing particle
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=4,l.a=-25,l=\colHNL N$_\ell$}{o2}
  \parbox{110pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(90,65) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    % main process
    \fmf{fermion}{i1,v,i2} % incoming particles
    \fmf{fermion}{v,o1} % outgoing particle
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL}{o2,v} % outgoing particle
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=4,l.a=-25,l=\colHNL N$_\ell$}{o2}

% HLN decay
\begin{fmfpicture}{-8,13}{-11,14}{hnl_decay-blob} % padding (LT)(RB)
  \parbox{120pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(100,70) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    % main process
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL,t=1,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=left}{i1,v}
    % labels
  \parbox{120pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(100,70) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmftop{t} % for pulling
    \fmfshift{9 down}{o2}
    \fmfshift{4 left}{o3}
    % main process
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL,t=1.2,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=left}{i1,v}
    % labels
    \fmfv{l.d=8,l.a=180,l=W$^\pm$}{w} % for boson line
  \parbox{110pt}{\begin{fmfgraph*}(90,65) % canvas (W,H)
    % external vertices
    \fmf{majorana,f=colHNL,t=1,label=\colHNL N$_\ell$,l.s=left}{i1,v}
    % labels


Click to download: HNL.texHNL.pdf
Open in Overleaf: HNL.tex

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